Non Time Based

“The Misadventures of Illuminer” – Initial Proposal and Production Process

Write Up:

This project will be a (hopefully) two-minute piece demonstrating the daily life of the “Hero” Archetype. In certain action-oriented shows, especially ones meant for children and young adults, you often see the protagonists facing a new threat in every episode. And, depending on the genre of the show, one could argue that these heroes face a daily “Hero’s Journey.” That’s the kind of thing I want to replicate.

            The character I will be playing as will be heavily influenced by what I’ve seen in media throughout my youth: An ordinary person who has to put a halt on their average life every day to go off and fight a bad guy to save their town. When the film starts you see the character in their room doing homework until their magical companion tells them about a villain harassing the town, in which case the hero refuses to go at first because they’re too busy doing work (refusal of the call to action). Eventually, the companion is able to get them up and out the door to where the villain is (crossing the threshold). As it turns out, this villain is really tough, and is able to take out the hero easily (the fight in the abyss). The companion however, is able to revive the hero and give them the strength to defeat the villain (revival.) Upon the villain’s defeat, the hero’s ego is showed through gloating about the victory before the companion reminds them of their humility.


The character on the bottom right is a character called Illumi, she will be my “Magical Animal Companion” in this piece. I hope to add her in using Adobe After Effects, think “early 2000s live action meets animation”, that sort of appeal.


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