Best Work, Time Based

Video Art Project – “Broken Reality” My goal for this project was simple: Break Reality. Surprisingly, I was able to accomplish that solely with Adobe Premiere Pro. I thought I would have to use After Effects as well but all it took was some playing around with Premiere's Ultrakey effect to delete the white snow; then it was a matter… Continue reading Video Art Project – “Broken Reality”

Non Time Based

Video Art Project – “Broken Reality” – Initial Concept Sketches

I'm not completely sure if this piece will have a narrative or not. However, what I do know is that my technological goal is to be able to key out certain colors from footage delete it, then layer the footage on top of each other. If all goes well, I will be effectively breaking reality.… Continue reading Video Art Project – “Broken Reality” – Initial Concept Sketches

Best Work, Time Based

“Silence vs. Noise” – Short Video Project Using the article 6 Trends That Define Visual Culture Now by Ben Davis as a reference, I created a narrative piece based on the concept of "Silence vs. Noise". What Davis described was a trend towards minimalist design choices, but I decided to take it and make something that reflects it more in a… Continue reading “Silence vs. Noise” – Short Video Project

Best Work, Portfolio Review 2021, Time Based

“Arin’s Anxiety” – Animation Process

Objective: Create an animation using a media of choice that demonstrates anticipation, arc, overshoot, and secondary animation. Prompt: "Anxiety, Anyone?" Overall, I would consider this piece a success. I very much enjoy "bouncy" animation and this was a great opportunity to play around with that while thinking about how to use the advanced principles. In… Continue reading “Arin’s Anxiety” – Animation Process

Best Work, Non Time Based

“Right Here, Right Now” – Illustration Process

Work in Progress images: Final Product: Throughout 2020, I've been trying to maintain an optimistic outlook on things, maybe that's why this piece turned out the way it did. I wanted to put less of an emphasis on the issues of "today" (Fall 2020) and more so focus on the surroundings. I'm very pleased with… Continue reading “Right Here, Right Now” – Illustration Process