Best Work, Time Based

“Silence vs. Noise” – Short Video Project Using the article 6 Trends That Define Visual Culture Now by Ben Davis as a reference, I created a narrative piece based on the concept of "Silence vs. Noise". What Davis described was a trend towards minimalist design choices, but I decided to take it and make something that reflects it more in a… Continue reading “Silence vs. Noise” – Short Video Project

Best Work, Portfolio Review 2021, Time Based

“Arin’s Anxiety” – Animation Process

Objective: Create an animation using a media of choice that demonstrates anticipation, arc, overshoot, and secondary animation. Prompt: "Anxiety, Anyone?" Overall, I would consider this piece a success. I very much enjoy "bouncy" animation and this was a great opportunity to play around with that while thinking about how to use the advanced principles. In… Continue reading “Arin’s Anxiety” – Animation Process